################################################################################ # P O R T A L S K I N C O N F I G U R A T I O N # # Use this file to configure link and script dependencies for your Portal skin. # This file consists of sections for configuring skins for proper inclusion in # rendered HTML. See any given section for more information. # # Critical data for this skin: # # Skin Name: default # Skin License: WebLogic Portal Licensees ################################################################################ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # I M A G E S D I R E C T O R I E S # # Use this property to define the locations in which skin-related images can be # found. Subdirectories of this directory may be used to store alternate image # sets for use by themes. These paths should be defined relative to this file's # location, and will be searched by the system in left-to-right order until the # image is found. # # This property is optional and defaults to the value "images". #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- images.search.path: images #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # T H E M E I M A G E S D I R E C T O R I E S # # Use this property to define the locations in which skin-related images for a # particular theme can be found. These paths should be defined relative to this file's # location, and will be searched by the system in left-to-right order until the # image is found. # # The second node in the property is the name of the theme. For example, if your # theme's name is "green", then the property should be "theme.green.search.path". #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # L I N K E N T R I E S # # Use this section to configure link entries, such as CSS references. Property # entries for this section essentially encapsulate an HTML "link" tag. This is # accomplished as follows: # # 1) All entries for this section begin with the property prefix "link" to # scope them as describing link tags # 2) A short name is used to group properties related to a single tag name # 3) Together, (1) and (2) define a link tag to be generated # 4) Finally, the base property prefix formed by the union of (1) and (2) is # used to define attributes to be set for the given link tag by appending # a value for any valid HTML link tag attribute # 5) The union of (1) - (4) yields a complete property name usable in this # section; as long as at least one attribute is specified with a value in # a given link group # # From the HTML 4.01 point of view, valid link tag attribute names are as # follows: # # charset -- char encoding of linked resource -- # href -- URI for linked resource -- # hreflang -- language code -- # type -- advisory content type -- # rel -- forward link types -- # rev -- reverse link types -- # media -- for rendering on these media -- # # One additional "special" attribute is included. This attribute is not # rendered in the HTML output, but is instead used to determine the order of # the output with respect to script tags representing other property groups. # The attribute name is "index", and its value may be any integer value. # Rendering of indexed property groups will occur in ascending order, with # any remaining, unindexed groups being rendered last in an arbitrary order # relative to one another. This attribute is optional. # # Complete Example: # # These properties... # # link.document.href: css/document.css # link.document.rel: stylesheet # link.document.media: screen # link.document.index: 2 # # link.input.href: css/input.css # link.input.rel: stylesheet # link.input.media: screen # link.input.index: 1 # # ...will generate this HTML: # # # # # Link hrefs should be defined relative to this file. # # There is one additional property, "link.search.path", which allows you to define # the search path used for finding link files. This is a comma-delimited list # of directories, which will be searched in the order given. Those directories # should be defined relative to this file. This property is optional, and its # default value is "., .., ../.., ../../.. [and so on]". #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- link.body.href: css/body.css link.body.rel: stylesheet link.body.type: text/css link.body.index: 1 link.book.href: css/book.css link.book.rel: stylesheet link.body.type: text/css link.button.href: css/button.css link.button.rel: stylesheet link.button.type: text/css link.fix.href: css/fix.css link.fix.rel: stylesheet link.fix.type: text/css link.form.href: css/form.css link.form.rel: stylesheet link.form.type: text/css link.layout.href: css/layout.css link.layout.rel: stylesheet link.layout.type: text/css link.portlet.href: css/portlet.css link.portlet.rel: stylesheet link.portlet.type: text/css link.window.href: css/window.css link.window.rel: stylesheet link.window.type: text/css link.search.path: . #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # S C R I P T E N T R I E S # # Use this section to configure script entries, such as JavaScript references. # Property entries for this section essentially encapsulate an HTML "script" # tag. This is accomplished as follows: # # 1) All entries for this section begin with the property prefix "script" to # scope them as describing script tags # 2) A short name is used to group properties related to a single tag name # 3) Together, (1) and (2) define a script tag to be generated # 4) Finally, the base property prefix formed by the union of (1) and (2) is # used to define attributes to be set for the given script tag by appending # a value for any valid HTML script tag attribute # 5) The union of (1) - (4) yields a complete property name usable in this # section; as long as at least one attribute is specified with a value in # a given script group # # From the HTML 4.01 point of view, valid script tag attribute names are as # follows: # # charset -- char encoding of linked resource -- # type -- content type of script language -- # src -- URI for an external script -- # defer -- UA may defer execution of script -- # # One additional "special" attribute is included. This attribute is not # rendered in the HTML output, but is instead used to determine the order of # the output with respect to script tags representing other property groups. # The attribute name is "index", and its value may be any integer value. # Rendering of indexed property groups will occur in ascending order, with # any remaining, unindexed groups being rendered last in an arbitrary order # relative to one another. This attribute is optional. # # Complete Example: # # These properties... # # script.skin.src: js/skin.js # script.skin.type: text/javascript # script.skin.index: 2 # # script.util.src: js/util.js # script.util.type: text/javascript # script.util.index: 1 # # ...will generate this HTML: # # # # # Script hrefs should be defined relative to this file. # # There is one additional property, "script.search.path", which allows you to define # the search path used for finding script files. This is a comma-delimited list # of directories, which will be searched in the order given. Those directories # should be defined relative to this file. This property is optional, and its # default value is "., .., ../.., ../../.. [and so on]". #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- script.skin.src: skin.js script.skin.type: text/javascript script.menu.src: menu.js script.menu.type: text/javascript script.util.src: util.js script.util.type: text/javascript script.delete.src: delete.js script.delete.type: text/javascript script.float.src: float.js script.float.type: text/javascript script.menufx.src: menufx.js script.menufx.type: text/javascript script.search.path: js #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # B O D Y E V E N T S C R I P T H O O K S # # Because some skins will want to decouple as much script source associated with # a skin from the rendered content of a given document as possible, the # following property defines a way for the skin to add a hook to the "body" # tag's "onload" event handler. Doing so will cause the value of this property # to be inserted into the beginning of the event handler's command list before # rendering. The end result will be the evaluation of said property value after # the document has been completely loaded, allowing the skin's scripts to apply # themselves to the document, just in time. Typically, the value of this # property is a script function call defined in one of the script declarations # from the previous section. # # Additionally, an "onunload" property is available, that works in exactly the # same way as the "onload" property, as demonstrated below. # # These properties are optional. # # Complete Example: # # This property... # # document.body.onload: addSkinEventHandlers() # # ...will generate this HTML: # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- document.body.onload: initSkin() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # S K E L E T O N D E P E N D E N C Y # # If this skin was written to be used specifically with a particular skeleton # implementation, this property may be set to specify that skeleton. In the # absence of a "skeleton" attribute of the "netuix:lookAndFeel" control # the value of this property will be used instead of the catch-all default # skeleton ("default"). The default skeleton path may be set in the same way. # # The path property should be defined relative to the webapp root. # # These properties are optional. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- default.skeleton.id: default default.skeleton.path: /framework/skeletons #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # P R E D E F I N E D M E T A D A T A # # Some metadata is predefined that can be convenient for testing or debugging. # For example, adding information about the look and feel in use can aid in test # development in that the tests can identify the document style being handled # and can adjust it's testing methodologies or reporting as appropriate. # # This data manifests as a series of tags located in the document head. # Please see the actual output for examples. # # Absence of this property or any value ofther than "true" will yield a false # setting, which will mute the output of such meta info. # # This property is optional. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- enable.meta.info: true